Michigan Agri-Business Association
2021 Virtual Exhibitor
Founded in 1903 as the Michigan Grain Dealers Association, the Michigan Agri-Business Association (MABA) is committed to the development and prosperity of Michigan agriculture as a leader in state and national education, promotion and advocacy. MABA comprises the heart of the industry. Our members include ag retailers who provide seed, fertilizer, and crop protection products to farmers; grain handlers; feed suppliers and food processors. Membership has grown to include many supporting sectors, including truck and rail transportation, utility services, law and accounting firms and insurance providers. Learn more at www.miagbiz.org.
Follow up with this Exhibitor:
To learn more about MABA, contact Charla Scheidler charla@miagbiz.org or Kara Boring kara@miagbiz.org of our office at any time, or visit us online at www.miagbiz.org.